Happy Lunar Eclipse
It has been a long month.
Work has been busy but not overwhelming, but I do miss my daily tarot practice. I am trying to give myself some grace when I am posting and when I am pulling cards for myself. Some days I am just too exhausted to think.
I decided to do these two spreads for the Lunar Eclipse. I love pulling cards for my Sun, Moon, and Rising. I always think I get a much fuller picture when I look at everything from all angles.
Leo Sun:
Card that represents part of me that I am hiding from: Death
This is on the nose for this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Change is always so scary for a lot of us. Sometimes we try to avoid it. Most times I am trying to face it while also trying to avoid it, but we can’t always hide from change.Card that represents what will help illuminate the hidden: Three of Cups
This is a nice reminder that the more things change the more things stay the same. I have a great support system and no matter what comes my support system will be there.
Pisces Moon:
Card that represents part of me that I am hiding from: 2 of Coins Rx
Sometimes we need to look at where we are spending all our energy. I am doing this by building back more time for me. This is something I need to do to remain mentally healthy.Card that represents what will help illuminate the hidden: 2 of Cups
Making sure that my relationships are harmonious. I think this is more about my relationship with myself. All of our relationships need to be maintained and care for and giving myself some grace and space allows me to heal in a lot of ways.
Virgo Rising:
Card that represents part of me that I am hiding from: Emperor
I always am a little hesitant to be a leader. I actually get very frustrated when I am placed in leadership positions as the default. I just want to exist some days, but it is not always possible. I always feel like I shouldn’t know the things I do and I should take a step back.Card that represents what will help illuminate the hidden: Page of Coins
Being a leader isn’t always a burden. I deserve to showcase my skills. Accepting that I am good at things and acknowledging it isn’t a burden to others.
I also wanted to do this spread from AP Astrology.
Full disclosure. I pulled the Five of Cups, didn’t love it. Knocked on my deck, cleansed it with incense and reshuffled to only pull the Five of Cups AGAIN. So I mean I guess——
What is something I can focus on at the present?
Five of Cups
This stubborn card.
I have had several conversations with various people over the last couple of days about what success looks like to certain people. What success looks like to me will look very different to you. Even if we are going through the same situation, I may have different needs and wants. I think over the last 3 years (yay pandemic) I have really been focusing on what I want and what I need. Thinking about the path not taken and coming to peace with moving away from that.
What am I processing as a result of this eclipse?
Knight of Swords
Once I make peace with that part of me, it’s time to push forward. No time to waste. Go! Go! Go!
How can I find peace in the days following the eclipse?
Nine of Wands
As long as I set my boundaries I can proceed forward. Boundaries are a new superpower that I am getting quite good at. I am even comfortable telling others that they should be setting their own. Remember, the only people who get upset when you set boundaries are people who were taking advantage of you when you had none.
I rarely pull Wands for myself (even with my fire sun) so when I pull them I pay extra close attention.
I hope that the eclipse has treated you well.