Collective Week Ahead Reading starting April 18th

I don’t always do a reading for the collective, but when I do it is to call all of you out.

In NYC, it is Spring Break so schools are closed. I know a lot of educators and I hope if you are on break this week that you make the most of it. Take the time and enjoy yourself.

Work Week: Four of Wands, Queen of Pentacles Rx, and Knight of Wands Rx

Just slow down and relax. This is the week of a lot of reflection and of self-care. You might feel that you have a lot to do and a little time to do it in, but the project is still going to be there next week. This week is about taking care of you and what makes you happy. There are a lot of things we can control but even more that we cannot. Roll into this week doing what you can and not worrying about what you can not. (Easier said than done.)

Personal Week: Eight of Pentacles, Seven of Cups Rx, King of Pentacles Rx

On the flip side personally, concentrate on things that are making you happy in your personal life. Focus on that. Especially if you are on break this week. Work can wait but this is the time to recharge and make yourself happy. Make sure you are aligning with what you want out of life. Stop being so stubborn. What you want in life is just as important as cashing that paycheck. Sometimes we forget that we can’t take the money with us, but we can leave behind many happy memories with our love ones.




The Week Ahead starting April 18th