The Peacock
Today’s card comes from the Cosma Visions Deck.
The Peacock is the Empress in this deck which I love. I suppose it really should be a Peahen but semantics.
The Empress is usually portrayed as a pregnant woman, sometimes pregnant and with a small child. She is nurturing. There is abundance in life or maybe she’s reminding you to take care of yourself today.
I like that Empress because she is calming. If she had a voice, you’d want her to voice your audiobooks or meditation. She brings peace with her in ways that similar cards do not. I think of the Queen of Cups who has all her emotions in her cups reminds me of a powerful ocean during a storm.
Sometimes when I read Tarot I can “hear” the cards. I hear sounds in my head and a card like the Empress sounds like a warm day with songbirds. She just is. Perhaps it is a call to get my blood pressure down. To just be today, especially with so much going on in the world that I cannot control. That has been a hard lesson to learn. Not everything can be in my control. My instinct ever since I was young was just to try and will things into being. I don’t like that person, so I am going to will them away. I don’t want to have that test today, I am going to will the ditto machine to break. (It wasn't hard to feel powerful when the ditto machine was always broken.)
There is so much going on in the world today and we can’t control it. The 24-hour news cycle doesn’t help and it causes me to feel even less in control. Sometimes we all need to just turn off the world for a bit.
Its okay to still recharge even when the world is a mess.