Aries Season
Let’s start Aries Season off right with some fiery hair. (I actually dyed it last week, but we can pretend.)
I love my hair fiery red. It makes me feel better about myself. I can’t explain it. When I spend a lot of time in the Sun I do get red highlights, so going fiery red is like tricking myself that I have been out in the Sun a lot. I have done this for so long that my youngest brother was so confused at 16 when he realized that I dyed my hair red.
I love doing Moon Mama Oracle spreads. She’s always got a ton.
My Current Energy:
The World
Just full of all the new possibilities this new Astrological year will bring. There has been a lot that I have accomplished in the last year. I have a new website. I started reading for others more. I really enjoy reading for others. This was not something I was so comfortable with even three years ago. I am in a new job and new position. Something again I didn’t think I would be next year. This is really a celebratory time.
What will Aries Season bring to the surface for my healing?
Knight of Swords
Whatever it is the Aries Season energy is ready for me to charge forward and deal with it. Taking action in my own healing journey. Healing isn’t linear and it is okay to take breaks. This Pisces Season was about me taking a bit of a break before charging forward and doing some concrete healing.
How can I lean into this healing instead of away from it?
The Empress
Healing can be painful and the most important part of healing is taking care of yourself and giving yourself grace. Some of the major things we have to heal from can make us feel ashamed, embarrassed, or scared. These are natural feelings and we should remember that we are only human. Giving ourselves grace and nurturing ourselves during the time of healing is important.
What can I learn from Aries Season?
Eight of Swords
While I don’t necessarily enjoy the message. 😂 I do love the image of this card. The ladder leading up to those swords and the blindfolded person can indicate that part of the victim mentality and negative self-thoughts are partially my own doing. Sometimes being hard on myself is an excuse. I can be so hard on myself that I can almost be paralyzed with fear and then fall into a spiral that I didn’t deserve that nice thing anyway and then I am just there in a heap. The call is coming from inside the house.
What should I focus my energy this Aries Season to grow?
Nine of Wands
Growing my boundaries. I didn’t really start to have boundaries until I was maybe 35? That was transformative. I haven’t had a lot of practice. I haven’t set a lot of boundaries. Most of it comes from my family not believing in them. The belief that family doesn’t need boundaries and if you have them then you are clearly a horrible person. Who raised you? You should be like The Giving Tree with no boundaries and let people take and take and be grateful! There are some people who don’t have ANYONE to take from them and those people are unlucky. Creating boundaries is something I am still working on and I will get some opportunities this season.
Advice from my Spirit Guides
Seven of Pentacles
Working together with the Nine of Wands, I need to stop investing in people and situations that I am not getting the same energy back from. Sometimes this can be hard, but setting those boundaries becomes important in this. Putting energy into situations and relationships needs to be intentional. Sometimes we want to be loved or just want attention from a person who does not have the same intentions or wants as us. It is okay to cut your losses and stop investing in things and people who don’t invest in you.