Full Natal Chart Report

from $65.00

Receive a report in your inbox for your full natal chart includes all 8 planets, Pluto, North and South Nodes, and Chiron and their placements using the Placidus System.


Full Natal Chart Only

Full Natal Chart with Tarot association for all 8 planets and Pluto. This is NOT a Tarot Reading.

Please allow 3-5 days for your chart to be ready.

Full Natal / Add Tarot Association:
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Receive a report in your inbox for your full natal chart includes all 8 planets, Pluto, North and South Nodes, and Chiron and their placements using the Placidus System.


Full Natal Chart Only

Full Natal Chart with Tarot association for all 8 planets and Pluto. This is NOT a Tarot Reading.

Please allow 3-5 days for your chart to be ready.

Receive a report in your inbox for your full natal chart includes all 8 planets, Pluto, North and South Nodes, and Chiron and their placements using the Placidus System.


Full Natal Chart Only

Full Natal Chart with Tarot association for all 8 planets and Pluto. This is NOT a Tarot Reading.

Please allow 3-5 days for your chart to be ready.