Day One
Today I’ve seen a lot of posts on how Meta (Instagram & Facebook) and Tiktok are moving a way from promoting Tarot and Astrology posts. I’m not a huge account on Instagram, but over the past two years I’ve really gotten to know a lot of people and really feel part of the Tarot and Astrology community.
I’m not surprised by Meta making this move. There’s a huge separation of church and state problem in the US. It seems that it has always been separating church and state unless you’re an evangelical Christian and then you know God says this. God says that. MANIFEST DESTINY!!
(If you wandered here and feel the need to comment “Jesus Loves you!” “Trust Christ!!” ”He died for you!” I know. I have the horrible misfortune of going to Catholic School from K-12 grade. I know Jesus and he knows me. I’ve been in conversations with him and let me tell you. He’s not mad at you. He’s just disappointed. Stop harassing people on the internet and stop preaching to people when you can’t even live the tenets he taught. Fix your own life first. )
Like a lot of us I’m exhausted. I am welcoming the US Pluto Return. I can’t wait to rebuild a better life. This is not it.